![]() Wednesday 11 May 2016 Just I. Sellés will give an illustrated talk about the title character of his book: “La Montaña Azul – Crónica del visir al-Azraq” (Blue Mountain - Chronicle of the vizier Al-Azraq) In Spanish with an English translation at 19.30. Museum Auditorium Everyone welcome, and to some special refreshments after the talk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 15 May 2016 “In the foot-steps of Al-Azraq” – a guided walk in English and Spanish" Bus Excursion from Xàbia to Vall d'Alcalà 10.00: Bus leaves Xàbia bus station 11.30: Bus arrives at Alcalà (time for coffee) 12.00: An easy walk begins at Alcalà and continues along the banks of the river, to Atzubieta, a deserted Moorish village. We will then continue to the Nevera de Baix, an ancient 18th century stone ice house before returning to Alcalà following a path lined with oaks, almond and cherry trees. 14.00: an special Arab meal: snack, salad, cous-cous of lamb, desert and drink, at the restaurant La Font d’Alcalá 17.00: Bus returns to Xàbia, arriving aprox. 18.30 Price: 30 euros / 35 euros for non members, all inclusive Booking necessary, limited places. Please reserve and pay at the Museum by Friday May 6th. Click here for Information about Al-Azraq in Wikipedia Comments are closed.
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