..."The excavations carried out during these last two weeks by archaeologists, volunteers and members of the Amics del Museu de Xàbia (AMUX) association have confirmed the existence of what was probably a Bronze Age metal smelting furnace. According to Bolufer and Boronat, this finding is of great relevance since settlements with metallurgy activity are really scarce in the Valencian community. It is believed that this old workshop, whose main function was the casting of discarded metal objects for conversion into small items such as punches or needles, was linked to the shipping trade that came from the south of the Peninsula, where the metal industry had a very important role..."
For full story (in Castellano and Valenciano) see La Marina Plaza Who was Father Christmas? Was he a real person? Why does he wear a red suit and ride a carriage pulled by reindeer? This short video describes the origins of the Christmas festivities and the origins and evolution of the character of Father Christmas.
https://youtu.be/RMpEzJdvrtk (Note:This has English subtitles.) Thus, Santa Claus is symbolic of the seasonal ritual of giving gifts and togetherness. The gift of music is something we can all enjoy, and during this time of polarisation and disunity in the world it is good to use music to bring us together. This from Sabadell in Catalonia. https://youtu.be/GBaHPND2QJg Every year the John Lewis Partnership - a British employee-owned department store, founded in the 1860s, produces a special Christmas advertisement. This year they worked with the pop star Elton John to show how a well-chosen gift can inspire a child. https://youtu.be/mNbSgMEZ_Tw We all give presents to family and friends. But it is also important to remember those who we may not know. This from Germany. https://youtu.be/wEK2Jwzqpg8 AMUX has the pleasure of inviting you to our traditional Christmas celebration at the Soler Blasco Museum in Xàbia on Wednesday, December 12 at 7:00 p.m.
This year we will look into the story of someone who is part of Christmas in so many countries, Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus, Kris Kringle or Father Christmas. As usual, we will sing traditional Christmas carols from different countries and we will enjoy festive food and drinks, including our famous mulled wine. |
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