Websites of other regional museums and interesting web sites.
MARQ Archaeological Museum, Alicante
Plza. Dr. Gómez Ulla, s/n. 03013 Alicante
OPENING HOURS Tuesday to Friday 10.00 to 19.00 Sunday and Holidays: 10.00 - 14.00 Closed on Mondays Valencia Ethnological Museum
C/ Corona 36, 46003 Valencia
OPENING HOURS 10.00 to 20.00 Closed on Monday Valencia Prehistory Museum
Museu de Prehistòria de València
Corona 36, 46003 Valencia Ecomuseum de Cap de CavalleriaThe Ecomuseum de Cap de Cavalleria is an institution welcoming visitors to the Cavalleria area and the Sanitja harbour. (Minorca) . They also run an archaeological field school - no previous experience required.
Denia Castle and Museum
Every day: Nov/ March: 10 a.m to 6 p.m April-May: 10 a.m to 19 p.m June: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. From July to 15th September: 10 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. (Night opening hours: until 00.30 h. Except for “Music at the castle” concert days. From 16th to 30th September: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. October: From 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. |
'Arqueotur-Archaeological Tourism Network', is an international project led by professionals from archaeological and tourist sectors, co-ordinated by the University of Barcelona and Ibertur Network, with support of different public and private institutions, aiming to develop, promote and commercialize archaeological tourism.
Bolomor Cave (Tavernes)
Information in English about the site which contains important Lower and Middle Paleolithic (350,000-100,000 years) human occupations in cave deposits up to a maximum thickness of 14 meters (46 feet), including evidence of some of the earliest hearths in Europe; and some of the earliest evidence of small-animal consumption as well.
Spanish Heritage Legislation
National and regional legislation on heritage.
EXARC is the international organisation of Archaeological Open-Air Museums (AOAM) and Experimental Archaeology. EXARC is a network of professionals, those in archaeological open-air museums as well as in experimental archaeology. We exchange experience, tips & tricks and best practice and are working on better quality for the people involved, their (experimental) work and archaeological open-air museums in general.
Public Archaeology
Archaeology is generally understood as the study of past societies from their remains, and Public Archaeology is the study of the relations between this Archaeology and Society in every aspect of daily life (social, economical and political). We are talking about the present of Archaeology and the different issues that affect it and its relation with the public.
Il.lustració Històrica
Blog about the world of historical illustration and the work of the archaeologist illustrator Sergi Segura. Also contains lots of illustrations, articles, projects and explanatory texts of some of the creations.
Archaeological Map of Barcelona
Interactive archaeological map of Barcelona showing more than 3000 sites.
E-Conservation magazine
The objective of the magazine is to offer a wide range of relevant subjects to its readers. The magazine will appear once every two months and will offer news, events, reviews, conference announcements, scientific articles on the latest technology and research, dissemination of current projects, case studies, international projects and many other subjects yet to come.
Online database of Roman inscriptions in Spain.