The "Cova del Barranc del Migdia" (Cave of the Midday Ravine) is one of the most important prehistoric archaeological sites in Jávea\Xàbia. It is the site of World Heritage cave paintings as well as communal burials dating from the Chalcothic (copper age), 4500 years ago. It also housed relics from the Roman and Islamic periods.
The cave was discovered for research by chance on 9th April 1989 by three cavers and since then there have been a number of studies, the most recent and definitive one took place between 2009 - 2012. This study was financially supported by Xàbia and the local NGO, Fundación CIRNE . Technical support was given by the Museum of Xàbia, the archaeological company ARPA and the Archaeological museum of Alicante (MARQ). The burial chamber was exhaustively excavated and photogrammetry techniques were used to create a 3D model of the cave (see video below) and digital tracings of the paintings. An exhibition "Art i Mort al Montgó" was organised at the Archaeological museum in Alicante (MARQ) in 2013, with funding from the regional and National governments. This was later transformed into a travelling exhibition, which is now housed in the Xàbia museum.
The 75 page guide (in Valenciano and Castellano) can be downloaded from the MARQ: English translations of the exhibition panels can be found here: |
7 minute documentary (English commentary)3D tour of the caveRecorrido cueva 3D 1080p audio from marco on Vimeo. |
English summary for the exhibition, now permanently housed in the Xàbia Museum
Translation of a research article in the Xàbia Museum journal, "Quaderns" vol 3 - 2019 |