The first Annual General Meeting of the association ‘Amics del Museu de Xàbia’ will take place on Wednesday 12 February 2014 in the Sala de Conferencias of the said Museum. The First call will be at 19.30h and the Second call at 20.00h.
The agenda will be as follows: 1. President’s address 2. Membership report 3. Treasurer’s report (and auditor’s comments) 4. Election of Secretary* 5. Formal election of co-opted committee members** 6. Motions put forward by members The current Committee was formed in 2012 to create and establish the association. Committee members agreed to stand for a period of three years, unless ill-health or other circumstances prevented this. It comprises: President : Joaquim Bolufer Marqués Vicepresidenta : MºDesemparats Bolufer Castelló Secretària : Margaret Morgan Tresorer: Josep Salvador Castelló Marí Vocal 1ra Christine Betterton-Jones Vocal 2na Nina Davies Vocal 3ra Pepa Roig Sarrión Vocal 4rt Cesc Camprubí Martell * Margaret Morgan wishes to stand down as secretary for health reasons, but would like to stay on the committee as a vocal. **Co-opted Members: The committee wishes the meeting to confirm the election of the following people: a. Membership Secretary: Irene Moekkote as Membership Secretary, responsible for maintaining the database of members in conjunction with the Treasurer. b. Minutes Secretary: Vicenta Cruañes Moragues as Minutes Secretary, responsible for agendas and minutes. c. Vocal: Anne Sefton as a vocal. d. Deputy Treasurer: nomination to be confirmed. e. Secretary: nominationl to be confirmed. The Association’s Statutes (in Valencià and English) are available with the Secretary for inspection. MARGARET MORGAN – Secretary January 2014 Walk to the Ermita of sant Antoni, Cap sant Antoni, Xàbia
Sunday 26 January A 3 km walk on the flat and then a talk about the ruins of the Ermita which gave its name to Cap sant Antoni. The church was built in the middle of fourteenth century by Caterina Bas and was in use until the beginning of the twentieth century, when it was demolished. Some original floor tiles are still visible. Itinerary: 10.15: Meet at the Monastery of Nuestra Señora de los Angeles, on La Plana, on the road to the cap sant Antoni. 10.30: 3 km walk on the flat to the lighthouse at Cap de Sant Antoni. 11.30: Arrive and short talk at the ruined Ermita, near the lighthouse, then walk back to the Monastery. 13.30: Lunch at the Restaurant “Amanecer”. The Menu costs 16 euros and includes tip and Salad, Paella, Desert or Coffee, a drink and bread. If you wish to join the lunch you need to confirm by email before 23 January. For those who do not wish to walk, you can join the talk at the lighthouse at 11.30. |
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