AMUX invites you to a guided tour of the exhibition
"From ancient measurements to the metre" "De les mesures antigues al metre" at Fundación Cirne, avenida de Alicante, 18. On 29 January 2018 The tour in English will take place at 18.00 and in Castellano at 19.00 The exhibition is jointly organised by the Fundación Cirne and the Association Meridia Zero, which is an association formed to encourage interest in science. There are exhibits from the private collection of Antoni Espinós and two from the Soler Blasco Museum. Please let AMUX know if you wish to attend this tour ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF AMUX
Wednesday 17 January 2018, 19:30 h. The Annual General Meeting of the association Friends of the Museum of Xàbia will take place on Wednesday 17 January, in the Museum, at 19,00 h. in first call and 19.30 h. in second call. AGENDA
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